Friday, September 2, 2011

Technology and Storytelling

At Stonefilms, we are always excited about new gear and new technology. We have been shooting a lot with the newer DSLR cameras, still cameras from Canon and Nikon that can use still lenses, but are recording at full HD streams. They look great, and can get beautiful depth of field in the smallest of locations.

If has been fun to see everyone in the office become "techno- geeks" and discuss which black levels look the best and the pros and cons of XD cards versus P2 cards. Our editors are diving more into color correction, and are dealing with audio sync issues - in some ways it is like editing many, many years ago - but the results are pretty amazing.

But mainly, I love the fact that our company has always been about storytelling first. We have been fortunate to be surrounded by the latest and greatest cameras and lighting, but our real strength continues to be the ability to meet with a client, and then make their story come alive on the screen.

If you want to talk "techno-geek", or about how Stonefilms can best tell your story, call us anytime - we love this stuff!
