Tuesday, June 15, 2010

KPRC Comes To Battleship's Defense

Our recent video about the fragile state of the Battleship Texas and the need for a permanent dry dock at its San Jacinto location is making the kind of impact that the Battleship Texas Foundation was hoping for. Among the many people viewing that video on You Tube was Rusty Knight, a director at KPRC-TV here in Houston and a longtime friend. Rusty was so moved by the message that he went to the station's general manager, Larry Blackerby, and suggested that Larry devote one of his daily editorials to the subject. We're happy to report that Larry agreed. The resulting editorial is a strong reminder to all of us to come to the aid of one of the Houston area's---wait, forget that, one of America's---true treasures.

You can view the editorial at www.click2houston.com/video/23817917/