Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Programming Results

At Stonefilms, we always love to receive feedback from clients, and today we saw a great article in Newsweek about the success of our production partnership with Comcast and Crime Stoppers.

We have been fortunate to work with Comcast on a series of On Demand programs that have yielded some great results. 

Our Dating On Demand segments have seen a marriage proposal, our Pets On Demand segments have helped in the adoption of dozens of animals from local shelters, and our work with Crime Stoppers of Houston and the Police Blotter segments that are shown on the Comcast On Demand site have become a great new tool in finding fugitives.

Newsweek Magazine and the Today Show have taken notice, and here's an excerpt from the Newsweek article:

For Comcast, the show has provided results worth bragging about. "Through tips directly related to the on-demand service, we've helped capture 50 criminals" in local communities, says Matt Strauss, senior vice president of new media for Comcast, which owns Police Blotter. "It's all amazing—just from using technology that didn't exist a few years ago." Nationwide, the program is drawing about a million viewers a year, a respectable number for an on-demand program.

The Delaware State Police was one of the first law-enforcement agencies to sign on to the program, in 2007. In the beginning, authorities were a little skeptical. But "the end product exceeded my expectation," says Whitmarsh, the police spokesman. Just three months after Police Blotter premiered on the local Comcast system, his department nabbed a bank-robbery suspect who'd eluded capture for a year. "Through my direct contact with tipsters, I know Police Blotterhas been instrumental in a dozen captures," Whitmarsh says.

Inspector Crouse and her colleagues, too, have discovered the pent-up demand among fugitives for the on-demand hit. "When we've captured fugitives in the past—say, a fugitive not even on the Comcast show—they will tell us that they've seen this show," she says. "Not only is it being watched by law-abiding citizens, but bad guys are watching. That was unexpected for me: criminals watching themselves or each other on on-demand television." And they're not just watching—they're dialing in tips. "They'll turn each other in," says Crouse. Why? "I don't know what the motivation is," she says. "Maybe it's a competition issue." Delaware's Whitmarsh even cites instances of fugitives surrendering "to avoid being on local television" and causing loved ones embarrassment.

The program is just one of the varied offerings being cooked up for on-demand television. Through Pet Adoptions on Demand, in which Comcast profiles 30 "furry guest stars" each month, pet lovers are introduced to animals orphaned in local shelters. There's also Dating on Demand, which the company touts as the "first-ever TV personals." "I've come home and found my wife watching it," Comcast's Strauss says. "What I wanted to believe is there's a voyeurism component to this. I have to believe that that's part of it. This is the ultimate reality TV."

For the police, on-demand television is just the latest weapon in a media arsenal for crimefighting—from newspapers and radio to billboards and broadcast Amber Alerts in child-abduction cases. And more than others, Police Blotter produces surprising results. Once, for example, the Atlanta task force discovered a fugitive's whereabouts through a tip from an Atlanta-area corrections officer watching the show to unwind while off duty. "There was a guy already in a jail that we profiled," recalls Crouse. "The information that this guy was in custody wasn't in the database." One more case closed.


Check out Comcast On Demand, and see how Stonefilms Producer Katharine O'Brien is providing results for her clients.
